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Fancy That Jewellery. Lincoln.

Business directory :: Fancy That Jewellery. Lincoln.

Hand crafted jewellery designed and created by me with a desire to make something that is both unique and yet accessible.

Fancy That Jewellery. Lincoln.


Fancy That. Lincoln. 
Scrolling through Instagram, I noticed a lot of polymer clay jewellery popping up. I loved how creative each jeweller was with their own creations and started to look into 'having a go'. After buying the basics, spending many hours perusing YouTube videos on 'how to' and more often than not 'how not to' I became addicted to the process. As I progressed, I added to my knowledge and to my stock of equipment. I started attending craft fairs and although I am still fairly new to this, I am getting better at connecting with visitors to my stall. I am a crafter who finds the sales part of this less easy than the creating! So, once I had built up my stock, I had to think of a name for my little business. I tried so many ideas and combinations but 'Fancy That....


Polymer clay earrings These galleries show my hand crafted polymer clay earrings which I make in my garden studio. I have given a brief description of each item along with a photo but if you have any queries please contact me for further information. Please click on the photo to enlarge and get details.
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