We can find a few types of bridal bouquets in terms of the way of display and the shape of bouquet. Namely there are names of bouquet as introduced below:
Oasis Holder Bouquet
Hand-Tied Bouquet
Cascade Type Bouquet
As you know, the most popular one is Hand-Tied Bouquet that is typically held by lady. At a wedding we can find a bride holding hand-tied bouquet. The photo in this page shows one of examples of Cascade Type Bouquets that are often used at weddings. California Flower Art Academy teaches how to make various kinds of bouquets and students enjoying making these beautiful floral decorations.
If you are interested in learning how to make bouquets, why not join Wedding Bouquet Making Course offered by California Flower Art Academy ? This course is available at very affordable price. Although students must clear some conditions to join the program in other wedding related courses, everybody can enroll in this Bouquet Making Course even if students have no experiences in floral arranging or have not completed Fresh Flower Arrangement Elementary Course.
Therefore you can easily join this course where you can learn three types of bouquets, the choice of which can be made at the full discretion of the school (Students usually learn about hand-tied bouquets). For more information, feel free to contact info@california-academy.com