Fresh cut and fresh water help flowers live longer
Effective Hydration and Clean Water are Important  |
In order to prolong the life of fresh flowers, we find various ways among which I would like to introduce the easiest, affordable and most primitive one as mentioned below: The most important point is how to hydrate fresh flowers effectively and also how to avoid growing of bacteria.
A. Hydration: In order for flowers to be effectively hydrated, it is important to cut stems of flowers with angle so that the area of getting water can be spacious. After some time has passed, the area of cut stem begin to get bacteria which does not do good to avoid rotting of flowers. So it is better to cut stems as often as possible to get rid of rotten stems and make hydration effectively. B. Bacteria: After cut flowers are dipped in the water, water is apt to grow bacteria especially when it is hot. Once bacteria grows in water, it will reduce the life of fresh flowers. Therefore water should be changed to fresh water as often as possible. The temperature of water should be kept cold which helps avoid growing bacteria.
As mentioned above, both fresh cut and fresh water are deeply related with the secret of keeping flowers fresh for a long time.
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