After earning a decent level of floral arranging skills, some students show interest in making a kind of custom designed arrangements. Namely enthusiastic and diligent students who are eager to learn something new or unique often work on the internet searching attractive floral designs. If they find a very good one which they want to make themselves, they consult our instructor and sound possibility of taking a lesson of custom designed decorations focusing on such unique arrangement.
This happens from time to time. For students who completed Fresh Flower Arrangement Intermediate Course, our instructor offers a special lesson if such student is considered eligible and qualified to take a lesson of custom designed arrangement. Sometimes instructor is required to make a difficult decision only because every student can automatically qualify. From student to student the nature of talent and the level of skill is different. PLUS such lesson needs an instructor's special support. Only when a related instructor judges that the student qualifies to take such special lesson, extra class is offered at the discretion of the school.
The bottom line is student needs to be quite diligent and enthusiastic in her daily activities at a classroom and she has to have the floral designing skill enough to catch up with a difficult design that is not included in the standard curriculum prepared by our school.
A student is required to show our instructor pictures and information for the special floral design which she would like to challenge so that our instructor can prepare for the lesson beforehand. This kind of special lesson usually requires a little bit higher rate of lesson fee as an instructor must spend extra time for procuring special materials and studying the special designs.
Our students are always happy with the support by our instructor who provides ONE ON ONE instructions with interactive communication. Although this way of training is not a usual way of education, we always try to do our best to comply with our students' request.
In order to take this kind of special lesson, students must have completed at least Fresh Flower Arrangement Intermediate Course and earned a good arranging skill enough to digest a custom designed decorations. The judgement about whether or not such lesson is implemented is made at the full discretion of California Flower Art Academy.
REMARKS: Additional conditions and requirements MAY apply.