Wedding Bouquet Making Course
Wedding Bouquet Making Course For students who would like to earn floral arranging skills for wedding decorations, we usually recommend Wedding Party Arrangement Basic Course, Wedding Ceremony Arrangement Course and Wedding Floral Decoration Advanced Course.
However in order to enroll in these courses, it is mandatory for students to satisfy one of following conditions:
1. They already completed Fresh Flower Arrangement Elementary Course offered by our school.
2. They already learned basic floral designs and their skill level is enough to skip above mentioned Elementary Course.
3. They are already engaged in floral arranging business and have ample experiences in floral decorations.
Some students want to minimize the budget for lessons and would like to learn only bouquet making and they do not want to start from scratch by joining Fresh Flower Arrangement Elementary Course. For this kind of students, WEDDING BOUQUET MAKING COURSE is quite convenient and useful because they do not need to complete Fresh Flower Arrangement Elementary Course before enrolling in Wedding Course mentioned above.
It usually takes two hours to complete one bouquet at the classroom. Therefore students usually learn only one bouquet during a lesson. Since this course consists of 3 kinds of bouquets, they are required to come to the classroom at least three times. The lesson fee includes not only tuition but also all materials such as flowers etc. If you have any questions about this program, feel free to contact
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